Why did Jan create a Facilitator's Guide?
What will we get out of the Facilitator's Guide?
A primer on how adults learn
An overview of Facilitation 101
Guidelines for various ways to successfully introduce the workbook
Options for using the workbook in your unique
Step-by-step instructions (lesson plan) for each chapter in the workbook
A plan to pull all the information in the workbook together
and create a Customer Smart culture in your organization
How many Facilitator's Guides do we need?
While each staff person and volunteer needs a copy of the workbook, only the individual(s) responsible for sharing
the workbook information need(s) a Facilitator's Guide.
Consider copies for people
like your HR person, trainer, department heads, director of operations, volunteer coordinator, etc.)
What does the Facilitator's Guide look like inside?
Section I: How to Use the Guide
Ways to make sure everyone is "on board"
with acquiring Customer Smart skills
Suggestions for using the workbook with one
person, a team, a department, in meetings or formal training
Advice from organizations
that have used the workbook
2: Keys to Customer Smart Facilitation
Be clear about your role as Facilitator
The Facilitator's success depends on not only the materials but also good preparation
Ways that the workbook is geared toward adult learners
Proven methods
for adult learners
What to do if your "adult" participants act like "children"
Section 3: Step by step lesson plans for each chapter of the workbook
Amount of time necessary
for each chapter
Options for timing of meetings/sessions
Facilitator preparation
Steps for introducing and facilitating each
exercise in every chapter from “saying hello” to assigning homework
for helping staff and volunteers implement Customer Smart skills on-the-job
Homework (basis for practicing Customer Smart skills between
In-house managers, staff or volunteers who conduct any kind of training at the shelter or rescue will benefit from the "how
to" primer.