Home...Contents: The 2024 WorkbookContents: The 2016 Facilitator's GuideThe AuthorThe Photography

Sumner W. Fowler's photography has provided a visual chronicle of animals and the people working on their behalf for over almost four decades.  As Marin Humane Society's Staff Photographer for 30 years, Sumner had unlimited opportunities to train his keen photographic eye on all the aspects of animal sheltering. 



Sumner has documented staff and volunteers caring for animals, shelter special events, children's humane summer camp programs, Humane Officer training exercises, special care and foster pets, rescue operations and weekly portraits of adoptable dogs, cats and small animals.
Sumner has not only great technical mastery and professional success, but most importantly, he has empathy for his animal subjects.  Not surprisingly, he says that his favorite photographs, "really illustrate the way I feel about the animal, and they way they feel about me.  When I capture the animal's essence, I feel I've succeeded."
Sumner's work has appeared in twelve books, been used as cover art, and he has done book jacket images for authors including Isabel Allende and Deepak Chopra.  His images were featured in Best Friends: Portraits of Rescued, Sheltered and Adopted Animals.  His work has been used by prominent humane organizations, published in numerous magazines, and reprinted by several companies as successful stationary note cards.
Sumner is available as an independent/contract photographer.  Contact him directly at Sumner44@comcast.net




 Eddie-baby.jpg    grouptinies.jpg   intensecat.jpg   



Puppy mill no more


Chew, I must chew



Photos like these capture our day to day challenges as well as the faces of the animals we serve.  You are already familiar with the poignant to the humorous sides of working with animals.  Sumner's photos show it all.


 Ready for preadoption training?


 Here...I'll help you clean


Anyone who works or volunteers in our field will relate to the over 200 of Sumner's photographs of daily life at the shelter, rescue, in the clinic and out in the field that appear in the workbook and it's accompanying Facilitator's Guide.


Something in the wind...




Boots. This picture says 1000 words about the work we do.